I'm faced with insomnia daily. Not my own, but of many if the patients I see in the office. Men, women, teens and children who aren't getting enough sleep. Some having trouble falling asleep, others waking several times each night, even some waking feeling exhausted. While there are cases tested and treated for a true medical etiology, some undergo every test available without a diagnosis. So I've been researching and looking into my own healthy sleep to help these people. Because a life without adequate sleep is one I would have trouble finding joy in.
It seems like all of my research ends with media fasting. And while other longstanding tips such as adequate daily physical activity, decrease in caffeine consumption, and darkening room shades all hold true, media fasting is a newer treatment.
Media is at our fingertips.
Media is constantly stimulating our brains. Brains which, a short 100 years ago, had only dim light and quiet reading/ talking to stimulate us. They're kept awake and alert by push notifications from social media, calendar alerts and reminders, group text messages, and weather alerts- it's snowing outside!
But the real reason I'm addressing this issue today- I'm all too familiar to these disruptions. And although I do not struggle wih insomnia, I struggle from mental disruption. I'm excited to see comments to my Instagram post, text messages and new emails just as much as the next person. And I regret that I'm pulled away from the dollhouse with my toddler, and quiet morning time over coffee with my husband.
Which brings me to media fasts. A new staple in my life, and hopefully yours, alomg with a suggestion I'm making to many of my patients each day. Because God gave you a mind to dream and contemplate alone, or to focus and enjoy time with those we love. I can't imagine He expected the disruption of a push notification during story time.
And because I've vowed to make this happen. I'm starting with this weekend, and all weekends. Media fasts. Because the weather will tell itself, and the Instagram feed will be there in two days. Because I need to enjoy every second I have with my family.
I'll keep you posted, after my fast is over ;)
In the meantime, here are a few pre-iPhone distraction moments. My heart is overflowing!
Just wondering how many more pics I would have from the original Starbucks in Seattle had I owned an iPhone in 2010?!