My sweet Molly. I'm finding it so hard to believe that in just a few days, you'll be three. Three! No longer a toddler, now a preschooler. We've whisked through these stages and days, and I hope you know this: that in the midst of all the chaos, in all the drop-offs at the babysitters, the hurried car rides to church, the grocery store trips, the time-outs. In all of these mundane moments, my love for you grows and grows.
The joy you bring to Daddy and I is unmeasurable, and quite honestly something we could never have imagined. We hope so much for you, my girl. That you'll always know God's unending love for you. That you take advantage of the opportunities this great country can offer you, because we know that you're capable of just about anything. We pray your innocence lasts as long as it possibly can. That you'll find happiness in whatever you do, in every single day. That no matter what, you won't forget that we're here, and we will always be here.
Three. This day is happy for all of us, because we're just so proud of you, and so excited for what's to come in your life.
And your Mommy is working so hard on the perfect birthday cake, because Lord knows- it's the most important part of a birthday ;)
Happy Third Birthday, our sweet girl.