Wednesday, April 23

Our Easter


Oh, Easter.  Such a fresh start.  We've been working at teaching Molly from her children's Bible, and though she grasped Christmas in a day, she's still struggling to understand the Easter Season.  And maybe two is just too young?  But, we're working at it.  And if you'd ask her today, she'd probably tell you that Easter is "when Jesus dies, it's so sad", and not much more.  But we made sure the day started in prayer, and made it a day of celebration.  We'll get there, one day- I hope!

As I've mentioned here many times, farming forces us to be patient.  Especially Christmas and Easter morning.  While we waited on Daddy to get home from his morning chores, Molly and I prayed, danced, sang- anything we could think of to distract her from that Easter Bunny's delivery!  And though she's terrified of the Bunny this year, she couldn't wait to see what he'd brought for her.  The good Bunny found this a perfect time to stock up on her favorite snacks, add a few new books and crayons to her collection, and enhance her spring wardrobe a bit.  How convenient! ;)

After morning Mass, we celebrated at my oldest sister's house, complete with my sister's infamously delicious ham and bunny breakfasts for the kids (she's a first grade teacher, and always full of creative ideas- we love it at Aunt Judy's house!).    We enjoyed a visit from the Easter Bunny outside shortly after breakfast, thanks to a beautiful spring day.  Of course, there's no family photo with the Bunny for us, as Molly said repeatedly "he's too big!"  Maybe next year?

As always, we're so thankful for our family- near and far (we miss our little buddy Ethan like crazy), and the fresh start of spring!  We're in full swing around here.  The greenhouse is up and full of plants (although it's been heated recently due to typical PA cold fronts), the bikes are out and used, the stroller's covered in muddy foot prints, the rockers are back, the fire ring is full of wood and the swing set is ready to go! 

Welcome Spring, and happy Easter!
