Jesse's grandparents are long time local political activists- it's something so new to me, yet completely normal for him. He has been attending the county party meetings for years, and after persistent encouragent, I joined him on Thursday, just days before the local election. It was invigorating to be surrounded by the local politicians. And in a room of equal party, to experience the many views of individuals. It reiterated the point that, at the end of the day, we do have a say. We have a voice. Even if heard by only one person who may not have the power to write an amendment- we have a voice. And it's our civic duty to use it. Moral of the story- get out and vote. Local elections are Tuesday, November 5. Be heard, we need to help our counties, our states, our country. We need to vote.
My new (to me) camera is in- and it comes with quite the learning curve! I have much respect for photographers- it's kind of like learning a new language. Much like the foreign language of medicine I have been slowly learning, I'm just dipping into the language of Dslr photography. It's not easy, but I can't wait to learn more (especially because I've got a pregnant sister whose baby bump and baby I can't wait to photograph)! If you gave any tips, I'm all ears :)
I adapted my moms infamous buttermilk sugar cookie recipe to include pumpkin and pumpkin spices- holy yum! Of course the homemade buttercream wasn't bad either- hence the shot of Molly impatiently requesting "more cream, mummy"!! I'm planning to make them again this week- I'll share that recipe ;)
And what's better than a warm homemade soup?! Well a pumpkin cookie, obviously! But this soup was a crowd pleaser, and it was ready to eat in about 40 minutes. I'll return to my ever present argument that homemade, healthy food is always tastier and less expensive than pre-packaged or takeout. I'm holding my ground with this recipe. I used 1/2 pound of ground turkey, vegetables and canned stock- it was a meal for 3 twice. That's 6 meals- and it was seriously less than a buck per serving. Recipe coming soon!
The local community college had it's safe trick or treat, so my sister and I dressed our kids up and headed into an overly crowded, hot, stranger danger zone to beg for candy- needless to say, we didn't last long! But the kids got a lollipop, so they were seriously thrilled. Notice baby Noah, the penguin's, hair?! It was windy! ;)
Welcome, Monday.
Welcome Halloween Week (and an approaching gluttonous amount of candy to be consumed- I've said it before, I seriously lack self control!).
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